who is digital
We are a market research firm based in Portland, Maine. Our company conducts consumer research of all sorts. You can check out our client list here.
We explore topics from ice cream to insurance, health care to travel, banking to politics. And ALL this research relies on the voice of the consumer. Let your voice be heard!
how do i participate?
As an OpinionWise™ panelist, you may be asked to participate in online surveys or in-person studies...from focus groups to in-depth interviews, to product testing.

Once you have joined OpinionWise™, our outreach to you will be via email or phone, depending on the type of study we are recruiting for.
We do many kinds of research for a wide range of clients. As you can imagine, each of our projects requires a unique set of participants. So, we may invite you to complete a brief screening survey, designed to determine whether you are right for a project. Or, based on the information we already have on file, we may simply invite you to participate in a research activity.
Your actual participation is always voluntary. You have the option to accept or decline our invitations.
Our research depends on your privacy and anonymity. Your response to our surveys, or your participation in our focus groups, is 100% confidential. Your survey responses are only reported in the aggregate, combined with those of all other participants. We do not share your personal information, except with your express written permission*.
*Focus groups or face-to-face interviews are generally videoed, so that the researcher may refer to them when compiling their report. Your participation in a group or a face-to-face interview constitutes your permission to be videoed. If such a video is to be used for any purpose other than research, we (and our clients) must first obtain your express written permission.
All the research studies you participate in as an OpinionWise™ panel member will include incentives!*
Our online studies typically include sweepstakes incentives. All panel members who complete a survey are eligible to win cash prizes that are clearly specified in the survey invitation. The winners are drawn at random and notified of their winning status. Prizes are generally delivered as electronic gift cards or paper checks. Please see our Sweepstakes Rules for a more complete explanation.
Focus groups and in-depth interviews, whether conducted in-person or online, always include an honorarium for the participants. These honoraria may be delivered as cash, paper checks or electronic gift cards. When our professionals contact you for project screening, they will indicate the amount of the honorarium and how it will be distributed.
All the incentives that we promise are actually paid – which is one reason why our panelists are so loyal! For a complete list of recently paid incentives, click here.
* Screening surveys, used only to identify appropriate panel participants, do not involve incentives. You must participate in the research activity in order to be compensated.

With us, your privacy is paramount! Accurate research depends on participants who are confident they can speak honestly and openly without fear of being personally identified or having their personal information sold to third parties or compromised in any way.
DRI is a member of the Insights Association and ascribes to its Code of Standards and Ethics in conducting marketing research. In fact, we were one of the founding members of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO), which merged with the Marketing Research Association (MRA) to become today’s Insights Association (IA).
Any information we collect is used exclusively for our research. We will never sell, lend, loan, or otherwise make available the personal information you provide to any outside entity. Not even our clients know who you are!
For more details, read our full Privacy Policy.
Many of the projects that you work on are considered proprietary by our clients, so we cannot share the results. But some of our work is very public. Occasionally, we are even cited in the media!
​in the bangor daily news | June, 2024
The emerging Republican case for Maine as a swing state in 2024: "This week, a poll conducted in April was released by the Maine firm Digital Research, Inc., that had Trump ahead of Biden until a ranked-choice count put the Democratic incumbent narrowly ahead." Continue to story.
in The BANGOR DAILY NEWS | September, 2024 ​
Jared Golden needs these voters to win a tough race in Maine’s 2nd District: "In spring polling of registered voters by Digital Research, 36 percent of his constituents approved of Golden’s performance." Continue to story.
​On WGME 13 | May, 2023
Poll claims 84% of Mainers have a positive view of law enforcement: "A new poll claims most Mainers hold a positive view of law enforcement in the state. Digital Research, Inc. conducted the Critical Insights on Maine tracking survey." Continue to story.